Solitude... by MoonLight

We all know the story.. friends are determined to find out what your weekend plans are. You feel pressured to come up with a full scale social agenda. Well, after a hard week of work, I actually prefer to stay home. No agenda, no people, no plans. Strange? I think not.

During the week I devote so much time and energy to other people and projects that by Friday I need to reserve some of me for myself.

I find security in silence. To me, the world is a much better place when I have time to sit down and let my thoughts wander without the many rude interruptions of the noisy world. It appears that I'm the only one who thinks this way. Alone, my thoughts are unedited, there's no-one demanding work, no-one calling on me to analyze their love life. I believe the utltimate happiness is when you can sit with your love and not feel pressured to have to talk. Sitting together in complete silence is wonderful.

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